Rescued and Transformed: Abandoned Dog’s Incredible Journey to Recovery

A heartwrenching story of an abandoned dog has unfolded, revealing the remarkable transformation that has taken place since her rescue by the RSPCA. Ivy, a one-year-old Shih Tzu, was discovered on a stranger’s driveway in Deeside, Wales, last month. The poor pup was trapped in a cramped cat carrier,

left behind by her previous owner near a house. Fortunately, the homeowners found Ivy and promptly took her to a nearby veterinarian, where her severely matted fur was carefully trimmed, allowing her to see clearly once again.

To add to Ivy’s plight, her white-and-black coat was caked with dirt, evidence of the neglect she endured under her previous owner’s care. Following her initial medical assessment, the veterinary clinic alerted the RSPCA Cymru, who swiftly stepped in to provide Ivy with the care and attention she desperately needed.

Mel Froude, an RSPCA animal rescue officer, expressed her relief at Ivy’s improved condition, stating, “She looks like a completely different dog now and hopefully is a lot more comfortable and cooler now she has been trimmed.” However, Froude noted that Ivy has experienced some emotional challenges as a result of her ordeal, particularly when encountering new people.

Describing Ivy as a “lovely little thing” who is friendly but understandably nervous, Froude revealed that Ivy has been placed under the care of the RSPCA, where she has been making positive progress, gaining weight and adapting well. The brave canine has been officially named Ivy by her rescuers.

Upon reviewing CCTV footage from the property in Deeside, the RSPCA is now seeking assistance from the public in identifying the individual responsible for abandoning Ivy. RSPCA inspector Jenny Anderton expressed gratitude to the property owners for granting access to the footage, revealing crucial details about the incident.

The footage showed a blue and grey cat carrier being left at the rear of the property off North Street. It is believed that the person responsible, a man captured on CCTV, came from North Street or the lower portion of Shotton Lane. The man appeared to have a beard and mustache, a normal to stocky build, and was wearing a black T-shirt, possibly with a baseball cap worn backwards or sunglasses on his head.

Sadly, Ivy’s case is just one among many instances of animal abandonment handled by the RSPCA this year. In April alone, the organization received 1,508 reports of animals being abandoned, marking a 9.6% increase compared to the same month the previous year. The RSPCA is urging anyone with information about Ivy’s previous owner to contact their inspectorate appeal line at 0300 123 8018.

Ivy’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and the crucial role organizations like the RSPCA play in rescuing and rehabilitating mistreated animals

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