Justice Served for a Puppy Who Experienced Severe Abuse

It’s infuriating to hear about anyone mistreating their pet, but the actions of Amber Sunde are especially appalling. The Detroit resident was caught beating her puppy and attempting to throw it in a river. Luckily, Utica Police Department intervened before the poor animal could suffer any further harm.
Witnesses reported seeing Sunde repeatedly throwing the puppy, who had already sustained two broken legs and a skull fracture, into the Clinton River. Despite managing to swim back to shore, the helpless creature was thrown back into the water multiple times. It’s hard to put into words just how cruel and heartless this act was.

Lux, an adorable puppy, was brought to the Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue where they shared his story on their Facebook page. Unfortunately, despite being very young, this innocent pup had already endured terrible abuse, suffering from a fractured skull, two broken legs, and numerous other injuries due to severe beatings. To make matters worse, X-rays revealed that Lux had suffered from previous injuries, indicating that this was not the first time he had been abused.

The dog abuser was apprehended and charged, but legal proceedings were complicated by a plea deal that was later dismissed. Concerned animal advocates rallied outside the courthouse to ensure that the case was resolved fairly. A photo from Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue captured the moment.

As of June 23, 2021, the previous owner of the dog, Amber Sunde, received her sentencing from Judge James Biernat. Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue reported that Sunde will be serving time in jail and will no longer be permitted to own any animals in the future. In addition to this, community service and restitution for Lux’s medical bills will also be required of her.

The Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue recently celebrated a victory after Amber Sunde, the culprit responsible for animal cruelty against a puppy named Lux, was sentenced to six months of imprisonment. According to the rescuers, Judge Beirnat ruled that Sunde did not meet the qualifications for mental health court and went beyond the sentencing guidelines to impart justice. The accused has also been put on probation for two years, ordered to complete sixty hours of community service, and pay restitution to Detroit Pit Crew for the medical expenses incurred by Lux. Furthermore, Sunde has been prohibited from owning any animals in the future. The rescuers expressed their gratitude towards the people who had stood up for the puppy’s cause, stating that they have dealt with many such cases in the past. Lux, who has now been renamed Finn, has recovered well from her injuries and has been adopted by the police officer who played a significant role in rescuing her.

The heartwarming photo shared on Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue’s Facebook page shows a lucky pup who was saved from having her legs amputated. Thanks to the efforts of caring rescuers, this furry friend now has a second chance at life with a family who will love and protect her forever. The Animal Rescue Site originally shared this heartwarming story.

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