“From Near Euthanasia to Family Adoption: Meet the Resilient ‘Unicorn Dog'”

Meet Strawberry, the adorable 2-year-old pit bull affectionately known as the “unicorn dog”. Despite facing a rough life filled with uncertainty, Strawberry has finally found her forever home in South Pasadena. Sadly, this wasn’t always the case. She had been transferred from one shelter to another and was even scheduled to be put down, all because of a bump on her head. However, fate intervened when she was rescued by the La Belle Foundation in Los Angeles. Thankfully, the foundation was able to find her a loving family who has now given her a new lease on life. Strawberry is now thriving and has become one of the sweetest dogs ever, proof that love can truly heal all wounds.

In a recent social media post, the rescue organization expressed the hardships faced by a young dog. The pup had gone through a lot and was now dealing with terrible scratches on her swollen face and goopy eyes, along with two big lumps on her head. Earlier, the animal shelters were under the impression that the lump was cancerous and had decided to euthanize her. However, undergoing further examinations revealed that it was just scar tissue from an old injury and posed no danger to her life.

After Strawberry had fully recuperated and was deemed fit for adoption, the Kuhlman family stumbled upon her profile online and felt an instant connection. Kristen Kuhlman, the head of the household, expressed that there was something about Strawberry that resonated with her. Despite the dog’s prolonged search for a home, the family patiently waited and continued to see her profile on the website. Eventually, they decided they couldn’t resist bringing her into their home in South Pasadena.

After experiencing the sadness of losing their beloved dog of 15 years, the family made the decision to welcome Strawberry into their home with open arms and shower her with love and attention. One of Kristen’s twin daughters, Claire Kuhlman, expressed her delight in having Strawberry by describing her as a great snuggler who loves to lay on top of you due to her size and weight.

The Kuhlmans expressed their disbelief that the dog, who they described as sweet and endearing, was once on the brink of being put down. Jack Kuhlman, one of the twin sons in the family, shared his thoughts on how the bump on the dog’s head may have contributed to her struggle to find a home. Despite her past, the family decided to keep the name “Strawberry” because it seemed like a fitting choice.

Jeff Kuhlman, the head of the family, shared that they call their dog “Strawbs” sometimes because her name is quite lengthy. They stumbled upon a leash with strawberries on it and thought it was perfect for her. The children love to play with Strawberry and cuddle with her after returning home from school. The family also mentioned that their beloved pet has garnered attention in their locality due to her unusual bump on the head. People often recognize her and call out to her affectionately. Kristen Kuhlman added that Strawberry is well-loved by many in the community.

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